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Calm Sea
Adventure Living and Traveling

Escape to Kosi


Escape to Kosi

Adventure awaits you!

Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life!


Kosi Bay is a nature lovers paradise!

Come and explore one of the most unspoilt holiday destinations in South Africa.

Coastal forests back onto sand dunes, drop into the ocean forming hidden untouched beaches.

Wonderland of blue sea and dazzling white beaches, wetlands, lakes and reed channels, Raffia palm forests and Mangrove swamps.


Welcome to Escape to Kosi! a travelling page with a difference!


The purpose of this page is to promote this beautiful, pristine area to tourists that love nature and adventure. 

For those looking for a different holiday away from civilization, it’s about escaping the usual boring, overcrowded, humdrum holiday for a stress-relieving rendezvous with nature.
Here families can strengthen bonds with each other, children can learn about some of the wonders of nature away from TV and Google - first hand!


This website will give you holiday accommodation options of the beautiful lodges in the Kosi Bay area that will suit every budget. 

There are also a wide variety of activities and excursions you can book from this site.


Where is Kosi Bay?


Kosi Bay lies on the coast on the Northern corner of KwaZulu Natal and form’s part of Isimangaliso Wetland Park – a World Heritage Site. Isimangaliso refers to “miracle” and “wonder” in Zulu describing the outstanding diversity of one of the last unspoiled paradises on the African continent.

Conservation ensures that Kosi Bay remains an exciting adventure destination!


Kosi Bay has a unique ecosystem comprising of the tapestry of Lakes, Kosi Bay Estuary, Kosi Bay Mouth and neighboring beaches. 

Offering an educational, adventure holiday of a lifetime, each day brings a new cultural fascination.

From watching the local fisherman spear a mullet in their ancient, traditional fish traps, to witnessing Loggerhead and the endangered Leatherback turtle waddle ashore to lay their eggs, or snorkeling in a natural aquarium.


For those keen on hiking, the Raffia palm is considered the largest Palms in the world, growing as high as 16 meters with the larges compound pinnate leaves, some are 25 meters in length. There is an awesome Raffia Palm hike bordering 4th Lake Manzi –nyama.


Kosi Bay is a bird watchers paradise! Among crystal blue water, marshland, coastal dune forests, grasslands, Mangrove Forest and Sycamore fig forests provide habitat for approximately 250 species of birds.


Are you a keen Fishermen? Then Kosi Bay offers an exciting variety of fishing options ranging from fishing off the boat in the lakes, fly fishing to rock and surf fishing from the beaches

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