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Birders Paradise

Birders Paradise

The Kosi Bay nature reserve forms part of Isimangaliso Wetland Park and offers bird lovers a paradise. 

Among crystal blue water, marshland, Raffia, wild date Palms, coastal dune forests, grasslands, wetlands, Mangrove forests and Sycamore fig forests provides habitat for approximately 250 species of birds.

The following species can be found:

  • Rosy-throated Longclaw

  • Swamp Night Jar

  • Palm Nut Vulture

  • Pels Fishing Owl 

  • African Finfoot and African Pygmy Goose

  • African Fish Eagle

  • Flamingos

  • Goliath and white backed Heron

  • Giant, Pied, and Purple  Kingfisher

  • Narina Trogon

  • Blue manted 

  • Crested Fly Catcher

  • Purple banded Sunbird

Just to name a few.

It is advisable to book for a guided tour to spot birdlife in the area.

The Kosi Bay area has myriads of criss cross sandy tracks to local settlements which makes it difficult to do a self-guided tour.

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